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Kevin Davin

Kevin Davin

Google Developer Expert on Google Cloud, Gitlab Hero, I am above all passionate about tech, languages, infrastructure, and automation. Java, Kotlin, TypeScript are my day-to-day languages. I deploy all of those on the Google Kubernetes Engine with the GitLab's Continuous Integration 🚀.

Addict of agility and DevOps, some of my missions were to help teams to follow those philosophies. From code quality analysis to unit or end-to-end tests setup all the way to continuous deployment and operation, I try to follow a project from birth to production.

My mantra is to go to production as soon as possible! During my personal and professional time in Stack Labs, I contribute to open source projects (Spring boot, Spring Security, Angular, Protractor, Jest schematics for Angular, NgxOpenlayers, Istio
). I'm currently CTO (and co-founder) of Stack Labs, a company specialized in architecture and development of cloud solutions. I supervise about twenty passionate and talented developers in their missions and during our internal events.